"Casually racist" and "fascist" because he advocates for.... *checks notes*... law and order?

Who is the "we" here, Wajahat? Shockingly mediocre, desperately out-of-touch NYT writers? https://twitter.com/WajahatAli/status/1299435495760560133
Democrats elected the most anodyne, centrist option for a reason, and that option then went and chose a woman widely accused by the far-left of being a "cop".

The "extremist" view here is Wajahat's - but cocooned in his elite NYT bubble, he has no incentive to get a grip.
Trump and co are trying to paint the Democrats as supportive of looters and rioters, as enemies of business owners and police.

This is false, and numerous polls and Biden's nomination can serve as proof.
However, it *is* true of a small, isolated progressive elite, who have thoroughly captured many major progressive institutions.

They go to the same schools, attend the same parties, read the same papers. They do NOT represent Democrats, they do not KNOW the average Democrat.
So, if you are the average Democrat, what can you do to regain some power over your party? The elite capture of academia/media/various cultural institutions is all but complete, and they have made clear they revile the unwashed.

We have one remaining option. Vote.
Vote in moderates, reject extremists LOUDLY, again and again.

Write to your local representatives when they pay homage to elite ideology, make sure they understand (as Biden campaign appears to) that obeying Twitter means losing you.

They serve YOU, not NYT op-ed writers.
You can follow @SarahTheHaider.
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