Seeing white furries say "This was a lost cause from the start" makes me wonder if you were waiting on it to fail only because the message was to bring together BIPOC creators and give us a safe space to be who we are. This convention mean so much to us BIPOC folks and plenty of
other people and honestly seeing so many of you saying "Wow so we can't attend if we're white" or "Hahaha I knew this was gonna fail" it's pretty shitty when nowhere was it said that white people couldn't attend. This is the problem in our fandom now. You allow too many
"Popufurs" on such a high pedestal when all they've done for this fandom is screamed at a laptop for 24 hours playing video games,A cute fursuit or have made shitty racist jokes and you all say "I don't see the problem I forgive you" Those jokes aren't for you to forgive
I know so many wonderful BIPOC creators and Influencers who would give everything and anything to be known in the fandom just from a swift "Oh that's XYZ" or "YES I love XYZ's content!" There entirely too many people in this fandom who slapped a BLM on their name/profile
but haven't said shit/retweeted/donated anything to these causes while we BIPOC fight for our fucking lives every day for something we CANNOT control. You don't get to call us mean,aggressive. You don't get to call us names because we fallout out injustice. Fuck you we are tired.
It's just truly shitty seeing the "Wow I hope it fails because of this chahaha" this convention is 2 years away, they can learn from their mistakes and move forward to make it something special and new
I never know...If me making these long tweets about whats going on in my world. My life taken for the color of my skin. I never know if I'm reaching someone and changing their mind. I hope I am. I truly wanna be a BIPOC voice for this fandom and educate others as to why BLM
For anyone not looking through the replies! The convention is not cancelled I hope my tweets did not make that seem like what was happening! Lessons have been learned and the convention is still coming in 2021!! đź’•đź’—
*2022!! đź’•đź’—
If you’re in my account still you support BLM Because guess what bitch I’m black I’m loud and y’all are getting on my god damn nerves with that all lives matter shit and turning your fucking eyes away from our basic human rights. 
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