It pains me so much how we're lying to/getting lied to by the people we love cos we don't know how to receive feedback. Our relationships will improve DRASTICALLY if we can just listen. But we're so busy being butthurt cos we think we're the best/ our good intentions are enough.
The truth only comes out when we fight/there's a blow up/break up. Cos we don't know how to separate the person from the issue, so we can give & receive feedback in a way that doesn't ruin the relationship. We lie to save face. Then when they hear from outside, feelings are hurt
It now becomes "so should I have head on Twitter?" point being completely missed. How else should they have told you, pray tell. The one they told you, what happened? What's your preferred feedback process? Does it even exist? Or you're the best to ever do it? Okay ooo
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