For anyone with an rational open mind

Check it out, @realDonaldTrump!

I just got to experience what you experience every day!

Here's the misunderstanding:
Many people tend to misunderstand President Trump, and now I am being misunderstood.

I am being attacked by many of Trump's supporter. They thought I am a leftist, liberal, etc according to some comments.
Those attacking me do not realized that I am also a Trump supporter.

I only asked the person who posted a thread a question, and she and others went Nazi Grammar on me. Ironically, come of her grammar and spelling were bad. Some typos. too.
If they are going to point out the speck in my eye, they need to look to make sure they do not have one in theirs. They have a log staked through their own eyes. tsk
I am glad I am not like them, an Elite Nazi Grammarian. I am not selling my post, nor making money on this thread. Must grammar be perfect? Spelling?

Now I know how President Trump goes through. Hey, haters exposed themselves.
This is/was my first thread.
Still learning.
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