Thread on how to cope with threats of doxxing and physical harm on Twitter and other SM sites.

A lot of Indian minorities are anonymous - for valid reasons - on social media. Here is how you can cope with it and Inshallah also protect yourself.

The first thing to do is to make sure you are safe. Talk to your kids and family about what is happening. Especially children need to know the danger of random stranger violence.

Have a plan to deal with the fall-out. Deny everything and walk away if you have to.

Especially, if you are still in India, never confess to anything - online or offline. Let people prove beyond reasonable doubt that it is you - don't make things easy for them.

De-activate, take a break, and get back in the ring when you are ready and on your own terms.

If you are an Indian Muslim on SM - you will receive a lot of Sanghi love - death and rape threats to yourself and your family, threats of physical, emotional and economical harm, law enforcement notices, Cyber FIRs etc.,

Document everything - however little it might seem.

Use online resources like  to archive threats tweeted at you. Make a google drive folder and store printouts/SS (not links) of all abusive DMs, takedown notices, FIRs etc. - especially by sanghis linked to the Hindutva regime.

Document Everything!

Start before you were doxxed, continue gathering evidence after as well. Take a printout of all this evidence - categorize it in mild, moderate and harsh threats and sub-categorize it according to the status of the threat-giver - govt affiliated people get high level.

Take the evidence to the nearest US, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand Embassy and apply for asylum.

Most civilized countries are well aware of the threat to life that Indian Muslims face in India. Take advantage of that to protect your families and yourself.

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Scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Norway also offer asylum. Don't forget them.

If you are in the Middle-East or a safe third country - use this opportunity before your visa expires. Their embassies and consulates are not as crowded or busy as the Indian ones.

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