2 things I believe to be true based on personal growth and leading others

1 You cannot change someone’s mind, only they can

2 Honest, actionable introspection is a super power

#2 is a superpower because of #1

Want to level up? Reflect on how you should change & grow
Here’s how I do this

Every day when I’m working out (in between sets or when resting), I reflect on my previous day interactions, thoughts, discussion, readings etc etc

On any topic or thing I ask...What if I’m wrong? How would I know? How can I find out? What would change? Etc
This obviously applies to your thoughts about markets or products or whatever, but more, when applied to your own *beliefs* and *deeply held assumptions* that’s when things get good (and weird and uncomfortable).

Over the years I’ve effectively rebuilt myself multiple times.
My goal is not to be right, but to be better. I used to want to be right. I don’t care about that anymore. When I did, I was probably pretty insufferable (sorry mom!). Now I want to be better. Every day, little by little.

Better understanding, better mental models, better human
I think many people do this in their own way, though I found making it a habit was best. It did bruise the ole ego when I started since there might have been much to reflect on. Though in time, it got easier, and I felt better, and also did better.
You can follow @jasoncwarner.
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