There’s two types of things an anime girl to be for fans they can be A. Waifu Material like praised so fucking much even if their not well developed characters who cares or B. Their Fucking Awful characters and fans wish them to have a gruesome death and harass VAs (Thread)
So this is a thing I wanna address not only in anime but in media. I’m not saying guys don’t have it too I’m sure plenty of guy actors or VAs get a lot of harassment playing unlikablr characters. But from what I see it’s usually I think the women get more shit.
I want this thread to get a lot of notice to the anime community so anyways. For said example Malty is universally hated but let’s compare her to Frieza. And Frieza much much MUCH more fucking horrible things then Malty Like Genocide and erasing species yet people love him
I feel like for anime fans the girls MUST be Waifu Material and have no flaws like being full on Tsundere or being cruel. And I feel like people like Tsunderes who has like idk a deep backstory like Asuka for example. Also most of the anime girls to have fans have to be-
Nice, Shy, Very Friendly, Outgoing, Cheerful, Kind to the Protagonist, etc or like have big boobs and a sister type personality even if their fucking awful for example: Esdeath.
Keep in mind I’m comparing horrible things then characters. I’m not defending Malty or anything. But I will defend VAs who get so much shit like why attack them? It’s not their fault nor their not like the character it’s just heartbreaking about this all in all honesty.
So to conclude this let me say this: Fans who want every girl to be Waifu just stop. Not every anime girl needs to be what you want as well don’t bully the VAs please just don’t..
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