- reply - PART(1).

I'll add slowly part by part.
"my take" (always fun).

What a mess...
Start with the table dimensions.
ALL sums lead to 13.

Next, the trojan horse theme is there.
Pong: ->Act like Fun-and-Games, but exchange players (agents).

So much to digg.
>>>Swiss<<< https://twitter.com/getem_Q/status/1299495619992547329

Let's play the "if true" game.
Roth folks+[S][o][u][t][h]-Pole and more.
4 pics.
Real strange.
The pattern seems like a nice ride.

Moon rabbit >>[C][h][a][n][g]'[e]<<.
🗝️"CHANGE" (Obummer slogan).

Dabble in this thread, then come back.
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