Randomly, I want to talk a little about writing emotionally and with strength. It's a skill that takes practice, but I think it's pretty easy once you know what TO practice. And fortunately, my off-the-cuff thinking has me come up with three aspects to identify...
1. Build your sentences for power
2. Understand that different words have different levels of strength
3. Study grammar (sorry, but it's important!)
Building your sentences for power is pretty easy: you just put the strongest words, the most vivid and visceral ones, towards the end of the sentence. Ideally, end it on the strongest.

"Her mouth filled with blood." vs. "Blood filled her mouth." (dramatic example but you get it)
Understanding the power of different words is also pretty easy. Compare: "I'll be fine by myself." and "I'm fine alone." Alone sounds more absolute, concrete, than "by myself" even if the sentences mean the same thing. Even "I'll be fine on my own" is stronger.
(Notice also that those sentences build for power. Alone and my own are strong, resonant words, and work best at the end. Compare with "Even alone I'll be fine.")
Lastly, you need to study grammar. You need to know what a verb is, what a subject is, direct objects, tenses of verbs, ~moods~ of verbs, subordinate clauses... it's all terribly dry and to be honest I'm still learning myself, but it's useful to know, because...
By knowing the rules, you also know how to break them, and when you can get away with it. Because ultimately what words are about is communication, not rules. So long as you communicate your idea clearly, it does not matter if you obey grammatical rules.
There's a phrase in Symphogear S1 that was the name of a song and also used in their commercials as a tagline: Blood Flows Through Their Songs. Blood is a stronger word here, true, but in Symphogear songs are the power. Sometimes you might want to highlight a word like this.
I mention this also because you do need to be careful. Following my above advice, the best way to phrase it would be Through Their Songs Flows Blood, but that sounds weird and almost hacky. Through Their Songs Blood Flows is better (verbs are strong!), but still eh.
Make a habit of building to power as a style and people reading your words will know that when you put "Songs" at the end, that word is there for a reason. Because Blood Flows Through Them, that's how much they kick ass.
Use this for your personal writing, or when doing translations! Hopefully it helps someone. ♥
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