I can’t believe I wrote “2 days before training camp”

I’ll be honest, I’m not really in a hockey mood lately, really have a hard time getting into NHL playoffs this past month. I have not tweeted much about #nhldraft since early July (don’t get me wrong, I love what I do) https://twitter.com/jerome_berube/status/1299427797337858056
So many questions about the upcoming season, at this time usually I’m already back in the rinks watching preeason. Couldn’t be more opposite this year. I know my interest level is going to come back because I really love doing this, but it’s at an all-time low right now.
I’m enjoying the NBA playoffs way more right now, that’s crazy to me cause I’m a hockey guy who didn’t watch a second of basketball before 2 years ago. Maybe hockey in summer is all wrong to me, I did say last year that the Hlinka was the most overrated tournament in hockey lol
2020 sucks. I’m a hockey guy who literally wants nothing to do with hockey right now. I might tweet/RT hockey news here and there but in all honesty my GAFF (give a fuck factor) is pretty low at this point.
I love junior hockey and scouting too much to not come back. I hit a wall in June after the release of our Black Book (which happens every year) but this time I’m still not over it tbh.
I guess the realisation that Q training camps are starting in 2 days was my holy shit moment of the day/week/summer.
Btw I have looked at this thread for hours now wondering if I should hit “tweet all”. It’s really not my style for those who have followed me for years to write those kind of tweets but that’s just how I feel right now.

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