Healthcare is universal, food, housing, education and fulfilling work are provided to all. The Sixth Five Year Plan saw high speed rail networks all across the PRA fuelled by the huge reductions in energy costs brought about by clean energy production expansion in the Fourth FYP
Homelessness is nonexistent now that the empty homes have been seized from their former landlords. Where once the subway corridors were lined with people in sleeping bags, in their place hangs the art where advertisement stood, painted by the very people saved from the streets
Working hours have been slashed significantly, now that all the excess productive value is going to the benefit of all instead of the excess of a few. No one fears unemployment anymore, for they know even in the event that they will not be homeless, nor cold, nor hungry
Many towns and cities that had fallen victim to the ravages of neoliberalism, seeing former industries pack up and move abroad where even more exploitative conditions could be found, now thrive thanks to smooth public transport and clean energy industries in their town
The military bases abroad were withdrawn, and with them the soldiers. Many joined for the economic prospects of it, such as the free college degree afterwards. Now, they aren't fodder for imperialists anymore, and never miss a Christmas or birthday.
The PR of A now seeks to pay for what immense damage it has caused - even though it could never bring those killed by the war machine back. Huge reparations programs are begun with Vietnam, Cuba, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran and many others.
Students no longer worry about the cost of college, and private schools no longer exist to cherry pick which kids are primed to go to Ivy League Schools. One can go to learn at any age, for any reason, regardless of means to pay.

The PRA knows education is not a commodity
GoFundMe is a distant memory in the minds of the new people, and some can no longer tell if it was part of some nightmare that still stalked it's way through annals of their mind from night to night.

With universal healthcare, no one need beg for aid anymore.
Cars become rapidly viewed as an outdated relic of the past. When the public transport is so cheap, the vehicles and stations so beautifully designed and decorated, so fast, so comfortable and so easy to use...why would anyone wish for a large hulking chassis?
The Sixth FYP also saw the targeting of transport in cities too. Thanks to the renovations to America's crumbling infrastructure in the First FYP, public transport booms. The cars are abandoned, and the streets become pedestrianised. Parks open up where intersections used to be.
The revolution sprung the need for reparations like humans need water - without it, it could not survive. The goal was set; pull out the knife fully, and patch the wound

Reparations were paid in different ways to the communities oppressed by the Old Republic as the first step
Racism was in the bones of the old Republic; those bones were ripped out in the new one.

The lead infrastructure was gutted and dismantled to be replaced in full, the prisons were closed and new forms of justice were devised. Some chose their reparations as direct payment...
...others devised with their community to agree what form theirs took; the forms they took did not all look the same, it did not matter - what mattered is that the terms of the reparations were dictated by those who were due compensation.
In the new People's Republic, slavery would be *actually* abolished and not replaced under a new guise.

The Justice System is entirely rehauled into being a system of rehabilitation, rather than punitive action, and the prison-industrial complex exists now only in history books
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