Non-Black people, what have you done to risk your social capital, move beyond awareness and "conversations" and put your allyship in action?

Or have you just been silently appreciating/ benefitting from the outspokenness of Black people & let us constantly take all the risks?
"But my mental health!"

There is literally nothing inherent about Black people that makes this fun, easy or less stressful for us. We don't get to use that excuse.

"But what if I make a mistake!"

You're centering your fear instead of doing the right thing/ your peers' safety
"But I'm too busy to get involved."

I have watched for years as I & other Black, Indigenous & Hispanic people worked 20x as hard to juggle DEI initiatives & our full time job(s) w/out excuses. Absolutely shameful to see people allow that labor to continually fall on us.
"But your tone!"

If the tone of one Black women prevents you from caring about racial justice, educating yourselves or having empathy then you and I both know your problem goes much deeper than the manner in which I talk about racism and your lack of action.
"But did I mention I'm busy?"

It isn't a priority. When you don't make your education about race a priority, it leads to weeks like this one where I expend SO MUCH energy educating & engaging with white people saying ignorant & hurtful things. It is exhausting to be around.
"But I AM trying!"

Have you been uncomfortable? Have you been the only non-Black person in a room with Black people listening to how we really feel? Have you taken any risks or has your activism felt safe & comfortable? Do you only listen to Black ppl who dont challenge you?
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