Thinking about doing a Twitter thread outing The Sonic Stadium/SSMB as a pedo-defending cesspool filled with other BS. I think more people need to know what an awful place it is.
And I'm speaking as a former staffer, so I think I'll know what I'm talking about. I even have plenty of receipts.
Ah what the hell, here we go. Advance warning that some of the stuff I am about to divulge may very well make you feel physically sick and/or absolutely pissed.
[1/?] Former SSMB admin defending his pedophile friend and sympathising with him;
[2/?] Former mod being a racist. Unsurprisingly, given the mod status (Because they can do no wrong), this post was deleted but here's a screenshot;
[3/?] Member downplaying Islamic terrorism by claiming that it is "harmless" compared to right-wing terrorism, despite such incidents as 9/11 and the Pulse Nightclub shooting, the former having resulted in the deaths of nearly 3000 people;
[4/?] I haven't got receipt evidence of this unfortunately since it happened years ago before the forum got wiped but I ought to say that Dreadknux is awful, was harassing me to work on his site when I was TSS Staff even though I was going through major surgery at the time.
[5/?] The forum also harbours members that formed a Skype clique and was using extremely racist language against another member (Think N-word) whilst referring to me with dehumanising pronouns ("It") despite me having done nothing to warrant such treatment.
[6/?] On the awful treatment of site staff front, when I expressed discontent at the reluctance to properly credit site staff for their contributions, I was treated like a shameless, narcissistic and corrupt piece of shit. To the point that they turned the rest of the...(cont) against me despite said rest of forum not actually knowing what was actually going on behind figurative closed doors i.e The Staff forum.
[7/?] This was actually the reason as to why I gave up my position as TSS staff and stepped down, retiring. Poor treatment by the webmaster was one reason, this was the second.
[8/?] In addition, the forum staff are extremely corrupt, with few exceptions. I have heard from one of the good mods who will remain anonymous that staffers were conspiring to have members they didn't like banned even if they stuck unfailingly to the board rules.
[9/?] In conclusion, I will leave this thread as if for you to come to your own conclusions. I leave this as a warning not to join the forum or support the site given it's past and present engaging in awful shit.
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