Okay so for those who asked, lemme go through the experience of the high concentrated tincture. The bottle is 13ml they say to start with .25ml under the tongue and go up or down depending on your tolerance

Me, being a big dude with a high tolerance, went for .5ml

First mistake
It took about 15 minutes for this to begin and when it did, it felt like when the edible hits but like a weak edible. I knew it was gonna go up from there because it was only 15 minutes in and I could feel it.
I went and picked up groceries and it really kicked. I likened the body high to not feeling like I was locked to my seat but that feeling right after you put your tongue on a 9 volt battery. Not the shock itself, but the after effect. This was about 30-40 min after.
I just kept getting higher. It did not stop. I felt in control at first but insanely high. It was a clarity of mind but my body was blasted. This feeling quickly inverted. My brain was fried and my body was fine.
All in all I came down around 1130 so it lasted around 5 hours which is uncommon for me. Next time (aka in about 4 minutes) I’m gonna do .25ml.
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