"Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"

- Edgar Allan Poe

By now, many have heard about the Flat Earth theory. It is wrong the Earth is round, but-
While we live on a globe, the "Earth" that most of us are familiar with is only one realm of this spinning sphere.

Beyond what we consider as Antarctica (which is, in reality, nothing more than a giant ice wall)
there are vast continents, & oceans that very few living have seen.
This ice wall stretches for 360 degrees separating the top half (which we inhabit) from the bottom-lands.

Passing through this is nearly impossible for our ships to penetrate (although some planes have managed to make it through).
This cosmology was long known to the ancients who envisioned our world (erroneously) as "flat" because of these impenetrable boundaries.
Secret maps have been made in the past detailing it. The most famous is preserved in a Japanese Buddhist monastery, rarely seen by human 👀
The knowledge of the vastness of our planet is known to all elites and secret societies.

One can see it hinted at when examining the logos of such orgs as the UN.

This is also (one) reason why the number 33 is sacred to Freemasonry. There are 33 continents beyond the ice wall.
These secret societies and elite groups have taken (or mixed with) their esoteric beliefs from the hidden knowledge of what lays behind this massive ice wall.

They place the symbols before us constantly (having no suspicion until recently that the uninitiated would get it).
Above our inhabited part of Earth, I giant, invisible dome has been placed. No one knows how it was formed. The Bible described it as "the Firmament".

Is it natural or was it created by some advanced race long before time began?

Is this "impenetrable barrier" soft disclosure?
It goes without saying that all those NASA images of Earth are nothing more than fakes (poorly crafted at times too).

They never thought people would ever have the tech to compare them (thanks to the internet).

The dome simply prevents us from going beyond 🌎s immediate orbit.
The big question is, do humans (or other beings) live on those 33 continents beyond the ice wall?

Most likely they do. Even the great Antarctic explorer, Admiral Richard Byrd, reportedly flew past the ice wall and some say made contact with beings there.
Flat Earthers are correct about the entrance to the ice wall being closely guarded by the countries of the world (in a way that the Arctic pole has never been).

Even the most intrepid and well-financed explorers won't be able to get passed the patrol ships without a special pass
So you now know the truth, as it has been personally described to me.

We live in but a small section of the real Earth, isolated and to ourselves (perhaps it is best considering man's warlike and violent ways).

The lands beyond or even above the skies are not ours to reach.
Everywhere, it has been hinted at, even softly disclosed in the case of the dome.

The ancients knew this and crafted their cosmologies accordingly.

It's only modern man, controlled by elites and their "scientific" high priests that have determined to blind us to it.
I know most will laugh at and ridicule this thread.

Believe what you will about the info I've shared. I force no one to accept what they can't handle or even entertain.

I'm only transmitting what I've received.
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