A quick thread on this line, and ones like it. It's one of the most common themes of the Trump era, and I think one of the most misunderstood. 1/x
It is almost always interpreted--and is clearly meant to be interpreted--as "I'd never speak/tweet that way because THOSE ARE BAD THINGS TO SAY, AND I DISAPPROVE OF THEM." 2/x
But what if the unspoken 2nd half is often or even usually something closer to "I'd never speak/tweet that way, BUT BOY WOULD I LOVE TO IF I COULD GET AWAY WITH IT."

Among other factors, this would help explain *why* the second half is almost always unspoken. 3/x
I mean, if people wanted to clarify why they dislike the speech/tweets, they could be specific: "BUT I REALLY DON"T LIKE IT WHEN TRUMP DEMONIZES IMMIGRANTS" or "BUT HE NEEDS TO STOP ENCOURAGING POLICE VIOLENCE." 4/x
This is part of the point of @davidfrum's excellent piece today. Trump says out loud what his supporters feel they can't--at least not without shocking neighbors or endangering job security. 5/x https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/trump-secessionist-top/615847/
I made a slightly similar point at a more innocent time, when I suggested Trump's early appeal was that he is the living embodiment of the Rodney Dangerfield character in Caddyshack. 6/x https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/09/cinderella-story-outta-nowhere/405547/
You saw something similar when the RNC invited the McCloskeys. There are plenty of ugly racists out there, but few have the 2 qualities they share with Trump:

1) They are rich--and self-employed--and thus don't face the more severe sanctions others might for their behavior. 7/x
But I'd like to go a hair farther and ask how you *could* be a genuine Trump fan if you really didn't like the tweets? He hasn't built his wall or reversed the trade deficit. He hasn't dismantled the ACA or DACA. Crime and the deficit are both up. 9/x
His major policy accomplishment was an unpopular tax cut that did nothing he said it would and everything he said it wouldn't.

Trolling the libs has always been at the center of his political appeal, and the idea that that could somehow be separated from "the tweets" is ridiculous on its face. The tweets, the insults, the constant breaking of norms and laws--they ARE his presidency. 11/x
As in Caddyshack, he's the guy who can do anything, no matter how rude or dishonest or illegal, and get away with it--and then LAUGH about getting away with it. That is an incredibly powerful fantasy, especially for a certain segment of American voters. 12/x
So if I might humbly suggest, the next time a Trump supporter hits you with "but the tweets," ask them which tweets they mean and why they were objectionable. This is especially true for political reporters conducting interviews. 13/x
Last note: I've mostly been talking about Trump *voters* here. I think there is a separate (if overlapping) category of GOP pol/staffer/activist, who are attracted to judges, taxes or general grift, and would love it if he'd stop tweeting and once display an iota of decency. 14/x
But they sold the party to him long ago, and they wouldn't get it back even if they deserved to. 15/15
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