If you want to make a request, that requires me to actually take time to sketch, lineart, color, shade and do backgrounds, it will cost money. I do attend full time school and work. It’d be too stressful to do free art for everyone with all elements to make a single piece
I’m not confident in my art as I should be so I’m pretty cheap. Stream art will be posted when I post them. If I color them, I color them. I don’t have time to color or line-art everything I take as a request on stream. So they will be incomplete or complete by my choice.
I make this thread because I realize that I might have to start charging people for requests instead of doing free art. It is also stressful to keep up with a package of requests, so I will have a limit of like 5. Dm me privately if you have any questions.
You can follow @frncameo.
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