Another day, another superspreader event for Trump. This one in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Trump begins his rally in New Hampshire by boasting that officials let in an above capacity crowd for his speech during a pandemic
Trumpism is a hate movement. Look at how this woman's face contorts in rage.
My poor daughter
This hasn't happened. Trump is making stuff up.
Trump is endangering these people
Trump on protesters accosting Rand Paul following the RNC: "Our country is gonna change. We're not gonna allow that to happen."
"I don't talk about my ass" -- Trump
"They don't even know who George Floyd is. They have no idea." -- Trump on #BlackLivesMatter protesters
Trump short-circuits when he tries to say "citizen"
Trump laments that "politically correct" police officers feel like they can't rough up protesters
Trump describes the coronavirus as "probably sent in by China, who the hell knows how it got here." (Needless to say he has no evidence for this.)
Trump pushes a completely evidence-free conspiracy theory that in on Election Day 2016 buses transported voters from Massachusetts to New Hampshire, resulting in thousands of illegal votes being cast
After Trump brags about "right to try," he spontaneously offers to put a woman in the audience "on the list."

"Right to try" allows people with terminal illnesses to try experimental, unapproved treatments.
"China virus" is now an applause line at Trump lines
Trump is still pushing nonsense conspiracy theories about TV stations like CNN "turning off" their cameras when he says things they don't like. (This is not a thing that happens.)
Trump disses Chris Wallace for criticizing his low energy RNC speech: "Chris, who has always wanted to be his father but it never worked out because of a lack of talent."
Trump: "By the way, you know, Mexico is paying for the wall, just in case you don't know it. [The media] don't know that." (Mexico is not paying for the wall.)
We're more than a half hour into Trump's speech in Manchester, New Hampshire, and the coronavirus has only been brought up to attack Biden (for supporting public health measures) or China. The president is basically trying to pretend the pandemic is over.
TRUMP: "Who has private health insurance here ... and you love it, right? It's luxury, it's good, it's beautiful."
Trump just murdered irony
Trump baselessly claims Biden was reading answers off a teleprompter during his interview on Thursday with Anderson Cooper (he wasn't -- I watched it)
"I want football back. These are young, strong guys. They are not gonna be affected by the virus." -- Trump

This is false. A number of athletes have developed heart conditions following Covid diagnoses.
Trump is trying to gaslight his fans into believing that the post-Covid economic recovery is already more or less complete, and therefore any further "shutdowns" would jeopardize the miracles he's worked the last few months (in reality the unemployment rate is over 10 percent)
Trump suggests Ivanka Trump, not Kamala Harris, should be the first woman president
TRUMP: "You better vote for me or you are going to have the greatest depression you have ever seen."
"Surprise medical building"
TRUMP: "You have no choice. You have to vote for me. If you don't, you'll be putting in radical lefties, you'll have a depression, your stocks will be worthless, 401(k)s will be gone, there will be crime all over your streets ... you have no choice, right, right?"
"We're not gonna let our country be destroyed by a bunch of nutjobs. America will soon be thriving like never before." -- Trump
Trump is momentarily confused about whether New Hampshire is a country or a state
"We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again," Trump says, concluding a rally in New Hampshire on a day in which more than 1,000 Americans died from Covid

("YMCA" plays him off the stage)
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