looks like #Neuralink marketing update is delayed — fortunately the written word remains a dependable technology to get stuff straight into your brain. some light reading on brain bridges: 1) why language will reinvent itself, by yours truly https://aeon.co/essays/why-language-remains-the-most-flexible-brain-to-brain-interface
Some historical context for the #neuralink pigs: Joseph Delgado, whose most famous demo was probably an implanted electrode he used to stop a bull (a case of direct manipulation) https://sites.google.com/site/mcrais1/delgado
Musk cleverly skirts the ethical issues involved by stressing they're working with the FDA, but some folks will be reminded of Delgado's most controversial work, Physical Control of the Mind, reviewed here #Neuralink https://science.sciencemag.org/content/169/3946/666.1
Ah, here we go #neuralink — "speech is so very very slow”, so one dream of Musk and team is to enable "nonlinguistic consensual conceptual telepathy". Counterpoint from my @aeonmag piece upthread:
In case you've been following this, here's an excellent thread on the progress of neuralink and the very real neuroscientific obstacles ahead https://twitter.com/_stah/status/1299664746090823680?s=19
You can follow @DingemanseMark.
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