What jewelry from @bisoulovely means to me
~ a thread ~

Today I received this Arabella set, and and it made me reflect on something I’ve always disliked about myself: my hands. (1/5)
I so often apologize for my hands. My nails are never the same length due to them breaking when I wire wrap. They are always covered with scrapes and scars, or stained blue with copper or black from silversmithing. (2/5)
I can no longer get my nails done, because they would melt if I used them to silversmith. My hands never look “pretty” because of what I do.

But today I put on this ring, and I loved my hands. That sounds silly, but for some reason it is true. (3/5)
My hands may not be clean, soft, and freshly manicured, but that’s ok. They’re that way because they are magical. They create beautiful art - they are the tools that bring the dreams of my mind to life. They work hard. (4/5)
Putting on this ring is self care. Wearing this jewelry from @bisoulovely is embracing my insecurities. It is adorning my hands, my hardworking hands, with beauty and magic. I may not like how my hands look, but the way they look is all because of such a magical thing: Art (5/5)
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