Y’all. I’m low-key a Renji fucker but.... no. He ignored her for 40-whatever years and then pulls this shit in this scene? He needs anger management and a good therapist, not an eventual wedding to a woman he slammed against a pole. Saying he was “in pain” is a huge stretch https://twitter.com/yuklhlme/status/1298608152540262402
He never actually atoned for this shit in particular, at least on-paper, including in the We Do Knot Always Love You novel. I really tried to look for the potential in RenRuki, but the potential that DOES exist for that pairing is sure as hell not in this scene.
WDKALY or TYBW could have been a VERY powerful moment of reckoning for him. I believe that people can change and atone. But Kubo et al. didn’t make that happen and now we got people out there romanticizing this with “oh he was in pain” after he didn’t speak to her for 40 years
He had no right to be in that much “pain” and claim to love her after ignoring her for that long. What if one of my long-lost childhood friends showing up in a position of power at a school I’m working at and did the same thing ‘cause I fucked something up?
I’d punch him out.
By the way: R and R barely spoke 4 sentences to each other over the course of WDKALY. I think they each spoke to fucking Byakuya 3-4x as much as they spoke to each other. Kubo et al missed a perfect opportunity to amend some things there and they deliberately did not.
While we’re at it, let’s talk about how Byakuya continuously and deliberately supported his sister’s execution even after his own Lieutenant called him out on his shit. Yeah he apologized or whatever but he *repeatedly and willfully* did that shit
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