In a few days, I will begin my 21st year as a HiEd SA Pro. One of the lessons I learned early on is that my worth is not defined by the pervasive, multi-dimensional layered politics of race, elitism, classism, sexism, nepotism, ignorance, insecurity that inhabits this space.
That lesson has girded my every move at each of the 5 institutions at which I’ve had the honor of serving students. Sometimes leadership wears rose colored contacts. Everything is not always what it seems.
What keeps me in HiEd is the calling to it. This work is not for the faint of heart. This work is not for those that can’t tolerate being disrespected, overlooked, micromanaged at times, underpaid most of the time, devalued and undervalued, overworked, and overcensored.
Your skin has to be thick...and if you’re called to this work, it will be made thick. You have to be at peace with decisions that you may not agree with but that you may have to support because of your level on the organizational chart.
You have to know that the universe continually prepares you...even when you don’t get the position, its preparation. When that promotion that you worked hard for bypasses you...the universe is preparing you.
Know your why. Never compromise your morals. Never downplay your goals. Choose your mentors carefully. Mentor others. Make your self-health just as much a priority as you make your students. Here’s to at least 30 more years because as @IamTabithaBrown says, that’s my business.
You can follow @FutureCCPrez.
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