I hate throwing my own field under the bus but I will never understand some designers' obsession with strange, inaccessible design patterns, almost as if that inaccessibility makes them more interesting or innovative. Guess what! It doesn't!
In fact, the opposite is true. If you take the effort to address a meaningful constraint, you design work will always be better for it. Especially if you reframe success from "seeming cool to an in-group" to "being understood and appreciated by a broad, inclusive audience."
Also, I don't know who needs to hear this, but a11y is not an "all or nothing" process. You don't have to boil the ocean! We've established strategies for assessing and tackling large amounts of work/bugs/tech debt, etc. Why does tech suddenly lose this ability when it's a11y?
gettin' heated at 5:30pm on a Friday, time to log off
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