Here's CBS propagandist Li Cohen @WritingLiYakira doing her job, i.e., misrepresenting the #b2908 anti-New Normal demos as the work of violent far-right AfD extremists. She knows it is a lie, but that's what propagandists are paid to do ... lie.
Here are some of the people who protested against New Normal totalitarianism in Berlin on 01.08, who corporate propagandists like Li Cohen (and many others) want you to believe are "violent far-right extremists."
Here are more of the people who protested against the New Normal totalitarianism in Berlin on 01.08, who the corporate media told you were "neo-Nazis."
And, of course, here's Antifa (aka the GloboCap Resistance) parroting the corporate media propaganda ...
And here are GloboCap's brownshirts doing their "anti-fascist" thing in DC. Compare this photo to the photos of the protesters Antifa and the corporate media are calling "fascists" and "chuds" (above in this thread).
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