THREAD: In light of today's dismal #BelgianGP Practice sessions for Ferrari, I've been trying to find their worst qualifying performances just in case it doesn't improve tomorrow. Hard to find one which is purely on pace...
Austria 2019: LEC P10 and VET P20, both of these were because of reliability and Ferrari would've probably taken pole if not for that.
US 2015: VET P13 and RAI P18, this was a rain affected quali to the point where Q3 was cancelled. Vettel would've been P5 but had a grid penalty.
Britain 2014: ALO P16 and RAI P18, another rain affected session and it was a Ferrari strategy call that caught them out rather than pace.
Australia 2012: ALO P12 and MAS P16, this actually could be it but Alonso crashed in Q2 so he never had a proper final run, so still a caveat
Malaysia 2010: ALO P19 and MAS P21, again a rain affected qualifying where Ferrari just didn't go out in the dry, early running.
UAE 2009: RAI P11 and FIS P20 - could be the last worst qualifying. Was on pace but could say a caveat was that Fisichella was a mid season replacement
Singapore 2009: RAI P13 and FIS P18 - same as above. On pace but only Fisichella's second race as Massa's replacement.
Malaysia 2006: MSC P14 and MAS P21, neither position on pace. Both had grid penalties from P5 and P16 respectively, Schumacher was an engine change.
Turkey 2005: BAR P11 and MSC P19, Barrichello's position was on pace but Schumacher didn't qualify as he had an engine change so he would've been probably in the Top 10.
Australia 2005: BAR P11 and MSC P19, Schumacher's lap was affected by rain in the old quali system so not rep.
Japan 1992: LAR P11 and ALE P15, this was on pace so this could be it! But to be honest, Ferrari's result tomorrow could be worse so we must keep going...
Britain 1986: ALB P12 and JOH P18, apparently the Ferrari engines kept on breaking so I'm not sure about this but may be pace
Netherlands 1985: ALB P16 and JOH P17, this is it! P16 and P17 purely on pace, no reliability or weather issues. Just poor pace. So if tomorrow goes as today -> I reckon that would be the worst genuine Ferrari qualifying result since Netherlands 1985...35 years.
Okay it turns out expecting Ferrari to qualify better than P16 and P17 may have been too we will have to lower the bar even further #BelgianGP
Britain 1980: VIL P19 and SCH P23, the worst qualifying in Ferrari history, out of 24 cars qualified on genuine pace. Now the bar to beat alongside USA 1980 where they were P18 and P23. #BelgianGP
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