How should we have this nuanced debate, @jk_rowling, @suzanne_moore? Where will it happen? When?

Just say. I'll be there. So will many others.

All our insight and polite reasoning is INCREDIBLY well rehearsed by now. This debate is quite literally our lives lol
Will the nuanced debate happen in another scare-mongering essay devoid of citations?

In Britain's right-wing newspapers?

In the leftie one that sanctifies transphobic opinion?

Will it happen within the "feminist" orgs created specifically to undermine extant trans rights?
Will the nuance involve implying that being trans is an attempt to 'opt out' of selective abortion?

That my identity is rooted in a fiery yet unconscious hatred of women and/or womanhood?

That I'm a confused lesbian or that my loving parents are virulently homophobic?
Will the nuance praise those who bully, mock or degrade us?

Will it imply that trans adults like me pressure young people to "join our ranks"?

That trans people are a powerful lobby or recruiting agency, or other such conspiracy theories borrowed from 1980s gay panic?
Will the nuance repeat ad nauseum falsehoods about our...

mental health/childhoods/supposed devotion to gender stereotypes/belief in pink-blue brains/denial of biology/rewriting of history/cheerleading of misogyny/newness-fadness-phaseness/harbinger of endtimes-ness?
Will the nuance imply that children are being operated on or given "experimental" treatments?

Or even that their treatment on the NHS is being "rushed" or is ideologically driven?

Or that tomboys/butches/drag/gender exploration etc. have been cancelled?
Will the nuance involve an absolute insistence that nothing you have, would or could say about trans people is ever misleading or harmful?

Will it involve sentiments akin to: 'I can't be transphobic, some of my best friends are trans'?
Like I said, just let me know when and where the nuanced debate is happening.

Soon I hope, so that we can put all this misunderstanding to bed and get on with our lives in equal peace and safety.

I don't know about you but the current sitch causes me intense anxiety.
It makes me feel rejected and worthless. Not just by ideas or trolls but by people I've known. By places I've worked.

If your debate could stop all that, I'd feel a bone-deep relief I've craved for years. I'd stop making a backup plan to leave the country.

Please, let me know.
Perhaps should have made clear that JKR had that gall to say this re: returning her RFK award...

"this clash of rights can only be resolved if more nuance is permitted in the debate"

Presumably the nuance is her defining trans women as men and trans men as women...? 🧐
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