roderick a. ferguson, on neoliberal redevelopment and gentrification:

“the story of neoliberal redevelopment is one in which city planners have attempted to gain power over the ability of the city's inhabitants to shape the ‘character’ of urban space.”
“as gentrification & redevelopment efforts were designed to clean the city of communities characterized by their non-white/immigrant/non-normative constituencies, city planners were attempting to usurp control from marginalized residents to shape the character of urban spaces.”
“naturalizing the market has been a project of racial capitalism.”
[...]the story of redevelopment is one of how people have been forcibly and violently alienated from producing the city that they want, the city that would meet their needs, and the city that would accommodate their desires to be more than what government and capital dictated.”
“neoliberalization was a way to exclude & manage the labor & creativity of communities marginalized by their racial/gender/sexual differences, neoliberalization has also connoted the restoration of power for an elite characterized by their access to normative privileges...”
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