God, I don't know how many times it needs to be said, POLICE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A HIT SQUAD. Just because someone was breaking the law doesn't mean they need to be killed. It doesn't matter if Breonna Taylor was involved with drugs, she should be alive.
This whole "bad people getting killed is nothing to cry over" thing, it's bullshit. If you're speeding, you're breaking the law. You're a bad person. If a cop shoots you, you'll be rightfully pissed. But you were breaking the law so you obviously had it coming, right?
I mean, by this logic, prisons should be empty, right? Just murder the lot of them. Violent criminals right along with the guy who got drunk in public. Ever spent time in jail? You're dead, because this logic also seems to extend to past crimes as well.
I'm sure this thread will get deleted but my god, you people need to get it through your head that the criminal justice system is supposed to allow for fair trial, which can't happen if YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD. I would hope that every criminal gets to go to court.
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