In light of what’s happened in South Africa in regards to the murder of Nathaniel Julius, I’m going to need twitter to understand that the term “coloured” is not used in the same way in USA and in SA

Coloured people are a multicultural ethnic group within SA
My main goal here is to amplify Coloured voices in the conversation.
Please check out this thread about Coloured culture:
(Unsure if Coloured people actually invented Afrikaans but I need to educate myself more on the subject)
Basically: while in the USA you should NEVER refer to black people as such, in South Africa the term is used by and for an ethnic group of people whose ancestry is diverse (Xhosa, Khoisan, East Indies, Afrikaners(white), Madagascar...)
If I have written something that is wrong or If you would like me to add additional information, pls let me know I don’t want to spread misinformation
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