Indians are perhaps the most attacked and defamed on reddit among all countries. Gosh, there are even specific subreddits purposefully build to attack Indians like r/indianpeoplefacebook, r/indianpeoplequora. 500k subscribers exclusively for attacking and defaming Indians.
Then there's self loathing pricks on r/canconfirmasanindian. For how progressive reddit claims to be racism towards Indians and Hindus even on big subs like r/worldnews goes unnoticed.
Many of us are ridiculed and trolled on Reddit calling us "streetshitters" and other vile words. Sadly, it's so normalised that no one seems to bother.
We face this racism even when we make great accomplishments, like if India makes a new record in sending rockets to outer space, you can be guaranteed that there will be racist attacks on that post calling us all sort of things. Just to satisfy their fragile egos and"supremity".
It's racial stereotyping and casual bigotry including ethnic slurs and jibes that dehumanises us and has been going on for years . People even 12 year old kids walk away thinking stuff like this is okay but "it's all in good fun".
If even 10% of the online abuse that is written about us was said about black/Hispanic/Muslim people there would an outcry.
@TheCrypticAnon , @h0mo_sapi3n You guys must be already knowing this☝️.
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