Hm. "Oh so you're calling average conservatives fascist? The word has lost all meaning."

[Four years later]
"Average conservatives love fascism because it promises them law and order."
There is no rational reason to believe that increasingly brutal crackdowns on civil unrest over state brutality will result in LESS unrest. It's not about that, it's about violently punishing people who oppose you.
Electoralism has failed, the compact that the state has with people, in that it promises to provide them with peace and security in return for abiding by the rules, has failed. Abiding by the rules is no guarantee of safety FROM the state. (It never was, of course).
We end up with two groups who hold any sort of power: one which provides empty promises but actively works against improving anything, and the other that promises the choice between brutality and more brutality.
The idea that the Democrats are a 'better compromise' only works if you believe that voting in Democrats will result in a state that will honor its side. And it emphatically WILL NOT. If it would, this wouldn't happen in Democrat-run states and cities.
Given the choice between despair and brutality and more despair and brutality, it's no wonder that there are people who believe that they can only trust in the power they can hold in their own hands. Because they're RIGHT.
And then we have the usual pundits across the spectrum chiding people for making 'the left' look bad. Ridiculous. What am I supposed to do? Tell someone rioting in Kenosha to not worry about YET ANOTHER act of senseless brutality because we need to be able to compromise?
How effective could that possibly be? It's not even virtue signaling, it's moderation signaling and distancing from the people who need our help the most because you feel they're embarrassing.
Which raises the question of why they should believe your supposed leftist principles in the first place. What makes you any different?
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