What is too much to take from the regime?

- repeatedly taking foreign leaders to the president's for-profit business?
- making millions off the party and the government?
- spending about $130,000,000 on golf excursions?
- handing federal agencies over to lobbyists who continue working with their former employers and clients?
- covering up a state-sponsored murder of an American-resident journalist?
- downplaying Russia’s attacks on our election?
- 20,000 documented lies and false statements
- using the White House for a campaign rally?
- conducting an official government-run naturalization ceremony at the RNC?
- using the national mall for fireworks to celebrate a campaign rally?
- having federal agencies create videos that are nothing more than campaign ads?
- retaliating against congressional witnesses and whistleblowers?
- replacing inspectors general for doing their jobs?
- separating families and putting children in cages to “deter” immigration?
- sending the military to the border as an election stunt?
- gassing peaceful protestors, including clergy, outside the White House so the president can do a photo op with an upside down and backwards bible?
- having the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff accompany the president in his uniform through the park of the gassed protestors?
- blanket refusals to comply with congressional oversight and GAO investigations?
- celebrating murderous white supremacist terrorists?
- retweeting calls for violence?
- dispatching unmarked federal agents to scoop people up in unmarked rental vans in local jurisdictions?
- extorting a desperate ally to interfere in our election?
- asking two hostile nations to interfere in our election?
- firing the heads of the two top law enforcement agencies for allowing investigations of the president?
- pardoning political allies and dropping charges or reducing sentencing recommendations against them?
- demanding investigations of perceived political enemies?
- dispatching an attorney general and three Senate committee chairmen to interfere in our election?
- slowing the mail and admitting the goal is to deprive people of mail-in voting during a pandemic?
- announcing that the president may not respect the outcome of the election?
- causing the deaths of 180,000 Americans?
None of these things have been too much for the regime and its supporters.

So, tell me honestly:
What is it you think they’re not capable of doing?

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