I want to address the recent reddit post about a certain youtuber.
1: alters don't always have 'oscar-worthy' accents, it's just down to how the brain perceives an accent and tries to recreate it. You are not invalid if one or more alters have an accent that isn't perfect.
2. All systems have completely different experiences and everyone's brain works in different ways, some peoples alters have a pitch-difference and some don't. If your child alter has a higher pitch than the bodies natural pitch, that's valid.
3. Blog posts aren't always as credible as academic articles, however a lot of blogs write from the perspective of someone with first-hand experience with DID, so I wouldn't just write it off as totally unworthy as a reference. Articles can use language that's very hard to read.
4. The purpose of therapy is NOT to 'return to a singlet', therapy is catered around what is best for the patient, and it is Definitely not the healthiest and safest route for everyone to have a full fusion with their system, sometimes the end goal will be learning to work with +
you system. It is not delusional or 'rainbow-filled harmony' to want to have good communication and work well with your system, to say that is to deny a huge stage in recovery.
5. To immediately call people who are self-diagnosed fake is classist. In a lot of places it is VERY expensive to get a diagnosis, in some places it's impossible to get one at all. Of course some people will get it wrong, but a lot of people won't.
6. No one ever claimed DID is fun, but that doesn't mean we all have to be doom and gloom all the time because what is that going to achieve? If I'm constantly depressed about the fact I suffered through childhood trauma, how will I ever recover?
In conclusion, I know it must be fun to feel like you have a voice in an online community and I personally don't feel very comfortable with the situation regarding this particular system but it is not my place, nor any of our place to call them out as fake. +
If you don't believe in self-diagnosis you especially cannot be diagnosing or telling anyone they don't have a diagnosis. Yes, what happened with this system has been damaging to the community, but what is even more damaging is the amount of hate that's come out of it. +
If you were looking for a safe community for what can be a terrifying disorder to deal with sometimes, is this what you'd want to find? A community that leaks peoples private information and sweeps their every move in the hopes of finding out someone is fake? +
This community never used to be like this, why all of a sudden does it feel malicious? Please concentrate on lifting the voices of those who are trust-worthy rather than focussing on the past actions of people who you don't want to define this community. +
Because at the moment, when you try to enter this community all you see is call-out posts and drama videos. You are contributing to your own stigma.
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