A thread that @Imani_Barbarin posted earlier this week got me thinking about the ways my non-disabled communities frame making sure disabled needs get met, should abolition happen.

And I’ve gotta be honest: I don’t trust y’all to do it, because you’re failing to do that *now*
And we can say all we want, capitalism, the mass surveillance state, etc, is draining our resources and our energy. And sure, that’s true. But y’all manage to take everyone else’s needs seriously.

You don’t take ours seriously. How do I know?
I can count on one hand the number of DC groups I have attended regularly and haven’t had to beg or yell or bite for accommodations. That’s the floor. That’s literally just getting me to be able to participate.
These groups budget for events, but not interpreters, or cart, or even think about getting wheelchair users into their spaces. And you want me to believe you care about us? You want me to believe you’ll be arranging for people to fix my broken powerchair?

Please. Get real.
Disabled people can have high support needs. Can need OT, PT, caregivers, accessible housing, emergency plans. I’m not hearing south Asian abolition advocates talking about that. Queer ones that aren’t disabled, either.
I want a better world than what we have now. I’m a believer in defunding the police, and a lot of what I’m hearing from the abolition camp fits with my views. But members of my other communities that are not disabled sitting there and going “we will take care of you” isn’t enough
I need specifics. I need plans. I need more than “we want you to be safe so we will make sure you’re safe”. Because wanting our safety isn’t the same as working for it.

I’m not seeing my south asian, my queer, my muslim groups fighting for disability justice or rights now.
So what do you expect me to believe? Your ideas, your nice words? Or what you’re doing right now?

You want me to believe you care: prove it. Fight to save the ADA. Provide access. Actually work with us, don’t use us as props.
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