Trump's entire point is to remove the distinction between him and the state, as with all autocrats. And once again, America is finding out its laws against such corruption are unwritten, unenforceable, or too slow to matter.
When I said in Feb 2017 that America was about to find out that its government is based on the honor system, this is what I meant. Trump will do what he wants and say "so sue me," as he has all his life. And the GOP protects him.
It's not just GOP officials, it's supporters who love Trump's lawbreaking. It's a show of power, a freedom from constraints they see as outlaw macho. Opposition outrage is the goal because it makes them look helpless against him.
So for campaigning, focus on Trump's incompetence and failures, the results. Not on lawbreaking or violating norms. His supporters like that. Americans generally admire that! Trump isn't a rebel; he's a failure trying to cover it up.
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