Hi y’all!
There’s a flyer circulating for a Solidarity with Kenosha protest this Sunday in Vacaville.
Here are a couple of things I want everyone to know:

1) This event isn’t organized by myself, nor @voicesofvv , who have lead/organized most of the recent protests in Vacaville.
2) We, @voicesofvv , have received reports from city officials that a protest MAY be met with a “much firmer response” due to what happened on the 16th.

3) The above statement is precisely why (aside from the fires) we have yet to host another event here in town.
We want to have the necessary dialogue to fully understand what we may face, and decide the most appropriate and SAFEST way to keep applying pressure in a town that needs it the most.
4) If you do decide to come to Sunday’s protest, please consider the above report as the warning that it is. Personally, I consider it not only a threat, but a promise. As a leader, I can not leave you all in the dark, and allow you to walk into a battlefield blind.
This is not to deter you from doing as you please. This is only to prepare you for what you may face, so as not to be caught off-guard.
Stay safe everyone!
The game truly has changed and the danger levels are absolutely higher than ever before.

Protest smart.

- D 🤎
You can follow @sweepee99.
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