1) THREE OF A KIND!🇺🇸 During World War II, many American soldiers thought they were going insane when they kept seeing the same medical technician in several places at once.
2) They were in fact seeing Tech Sgt Robert J. Aldinger, Tech Sgt William F. Aldinger, and Tech Sgt Henry L. Aldinger, identical triplets from Long Island, New York.
3) The three brothers joined the USAAF together, received medical training together, and were all assigned to the 4th Ferrying Group, but by precaution, they never flew on the same aircraft together.
4) Month after month, they proudly served their country by evacuating American heroes wounded in Europe and bringing them home. Following the war, none of the triplets ever got married, and in the mid-seventies, they moved into a house in Warwick, New York.
5) Robert, William and Henry were inseparable and fascinating. Suffering from a genetic eye disease, they always took care of each other, always dressed alike, and had the habit of finishing each other's sentences.
6) Henry passed away in 2000, Robert in 2012 and William in 2015. Their ashes were ultimately mixed together and sprinkled on their parent's graves at the Long Island National Cemetery.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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