how to improve your skills, learn new technologies, get credible *free* certifications for CE/IT/ CSE students; a thread.
websites like w3schools and javatpoint are your best friend for learning different technologies. they are free to learn from and have exercises to solve too. use them to get your logic clear.
get friendly with websites like hackerrank, hackerearth, codechef. they have amazing contests, certifications, badges and problem sums to practice. this can be shared easily on your linkedin.
get a linkedin!

- this is a really helpful step as it helps you connect with people who share your ideas and can also help you meet potential employers or project partners. upload all your certifications here as soon as you complete them.
- this is your best friend. i promise.
- this is where you can get help if you are stuck, host software development and more.
- in your early learning stage though, you will mostly be using this to get rid of the kinks in your codes haha. 
Swayam NPTEL:

- the courses the free, the certificate requires exam which costs approx 1.1k ruppees.
- there are multiple courses from IITs all over india.
- one of the best courses assignment courses i have come upon.

-at  you can learn different MongoDB courses.
- the certification is free and your knowledge regarding RDBMS, SQL will increase a lot.
- there are two types of courses: professional and dba.
- you can choose accordingly.
Google Unlocked:
- you can learn multiple courses with certification using Google Unlocked.
- one of the most famous courses in my circles is the Fundamentals of digital marketing.
- amazon web services is one of the *most* prestigious, a little challenging, and infinitely rewarding courses you will ever come upon.
- it will open a whole new career door if you learn it properly.
google skillshop:
- it has multiple courses on Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords) is Google’s DSP and Google AdSense, its SSP. 
- while i am not aware if there are any certifications, linux has a lot of tutorials at different levels: beginner, intermediate and advace.
- i personally enjoy them a lot. 
- the oracle acedmy has curriculum as well as cloud support for students and teachers.
Apple Developer Program:
- this is amazing!!!!! very demanding though.
- please read the conditions and skills required before enrolling. 
IBM Skills:
- ibm provides a wide range of services from AI to data sciene and similarly, they also provide a wide range of topics to learn from. 
Facebook Blueprint:
- this is helpful for ad developers, media professionals, businesses and more.
coursera, udemy, futurelearn... all have multiple courses. some are free to learn but certificates are paid. lots of colleges are currently sponsoring coursera courses. please use this oppurtunity.

-sites like freelancer, fiverr are the next step once you have learnt a certain technology.
- make a team with your friends, take small projects and get experience.
- you can opt for online internship on internshala after perfecting a technology of your choice.
i am aware that some of these certifications are not free but i have included them because the courses are and can help you gain knowledge. dm me if you need more help! <3
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