Steps to making a pot roast after being depressed for the past few months:
1. Prepare the meat and marinade
2. Realize you haven't done dishes in a week...maybe more
3. Clean sink, wash dishes, wash em again, and clean kitchen counters
4. Clean window sill over sink
5. Forget that you just cleaned the sink and have to now reclean it
6. Wipe everything down
7. Clean crockpot
8. It's been awhile since you've used said crockpot so you have to deep clean it
9. Clean sink again
10. Wipe things down
11. Throw plastic container out bc fuck you
12. Realize you haven't started on prepping the meat for roast
13. Contemplate running away
14. Grab a soda and take a break
15. Shit, took too long of a break
16. Frantically prepare pot roast
17. Forget to feed cats
Die a lil after posting shit thread on twitter, but I needed a vent
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