Exposing Louis Tomlinson for who he really is: a thread
1. He doesn't age. He hasn't aged since like 2011 or something. This is not humanly possible.
More proofs: these are like 8-9 years apart?????
2. Sometimes he ages backwards, sounds fake but look here:
2019 2014
3. He does not the reveal the meaning behind his tattoos and is very confidential about it when he said before he doesn't like tattoos something doesn't add up 🔍🕵🏽‍♀️ (possible coven identity tattoos?)
4. Louis karma is real? We all witnessed this happen
5. Everything happens on the 28: 28th of a month or 28th day, 28th week and so on. It's like Louis owns the number 28?
6. This was the 28th week of the year? Coincidental? Maybe not.
7. 28th August Syco's death is announced? Again can't be a coincidence.
8. Let's move on to real proof caught on camera. No one can surely jump that high??? Sis literally flew.
In conclusion: Louis is very powerful wizard from a powerful coven because these things are not humanly possible. I rest my case here.
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