Last thing I'm going to say on the topic is that shelters want people to adopt dogs from us but we don't mind people buying from responsible breeders as long as they make a lifetime commitment to the pet. Stop bringing shelters into the debate. It's individuals against breeders
that people have a problem with so address them directly without shitting on the work shelters are doing because it's good, worthy work finding shelter dogs good homes. Saying negative things about shelter animals doesn't make your choice to buy your dog look better it hurts
shelters who lose out on adoptions and donations because of this bs. Shelter animals come in all personalities it is literally impossible to generalize shelter animals. They aren't crazy. Poorly trained purebred dogs will cause you just as much trouble as a poorly trained shelter
dog. The bottom line is when you get a pet, make a lifetime commitment to it, train it well, and help out your communities by supporting your local animal shelter by donating or volunteering
Someone with a degree in nonprofit management and years of professional experience with multiple shelters and rescues
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