Supposed “chaos” and “violence” in American cities is only a “positive” for an incumbent president if the media concedes the argument that Trump is leader of an entirely separate white nation that fears the (minority) residents of cities.
Even in 1968, the “law and order” call wasn’t as overtly racist as now bc Nixon wasn’t president.
But the media is far more tolerant of Trump and Republicans doing this than they would a Democratic president. If HRC were president and the economy was in shambles and she just bashed “GOP-run cities where the jobs dried up because poor white people suck,” she’d be condemned.
And the winking condemnation from some pundits about Trump/GOP tactics don’t cut it: “Oh, man, that’s pretty racist and gross ... but it might help them in Wisconsin unless Biden ritualistically kills a looter on live TV like a Shirley Jackson story."
Do white pundits comprehend what it says to Black people when they pontificate about how racist and misinformed most white people are and how easy it is to get them to turn on us if we don’t behave?
Dave Wasserman pointed out that 65 percent of Wisconsin voters live in a parallel universe of lies. Would that be stated as fact if we were talking about a predominately Black area: “Yeah, they all listen to Farrakhan 24/7. What can you do? We just gotta stop helping Israel."
That’s the difference between QAnon kooks and Ilhan Omar. Anything wrong she says is dismissed as objectively wrong. There’s no hedging, “Well,that was an anti-semitic trope BUT it resonates with Black urban voters more than you might want to admit!"
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