I want to be clear when I say this that I mean it literally: Rand Paul, like all Republican Senators, should never go anywhere for the rest of his life without getting screamed at by literally everyone who sees him. https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1299338647343378440
He’s not being assaulted. https://twitter.com/LatexEngineer/status/1299374391181025280
He is a part of a governing body that failed to do its duty and has empowered an incompetent and corrupt fascist racist.

They should never hear the end of it. https://twitter.com/juliusgoat/status/1299372626410954752
This is an argument in favor of people yelling in protest at failed elected officials, not against. https://twitter.com/disgustedavgmom/status/1299377647324192768
Once again, what conservatives disapprove of here is not people being accosted in the street. They cheer it when police violently assault the protesters. What they object to is criticism, particularly valid criticism. Consequence, particularly natural consequence.
They consider the inconvenience of having to hear angry voices with valid complaint to be “silencing,” when in fact what it represents is the end of silencing. https://twitter.com/eoinmonkey/status/1299376956841095169
To be Republicans to believe that an unarmed Black man being paralyzed by seven bullets to the back is not assault but one of the most powerful people in the country getting yelled at outside a hotel is assault.
The last 4 years of horror have been underwitten by 52 complicit senators, while a mob boss subjects us to a never-ending nightmare and his crowd laughs and celebrates drinking our tears.

Get out of here with "civil discourse." We know who sank that ship. https://twitter.com/MegasAlexandr15/status/1299382154523222018?s=20
You couldn’t possibly signal your unwillingness to hear another person’s perspective louder than by supporting Donald Trump.

Tell me, why the people who cry loudest about political incivility never direct their laments at those who elected a corrupt mean racist bully.
I certainly noticed that that one was.

Civility isn't what's desired. Silence is. https://twitter.com/TheIowan1/status/1299384549747683330?s=20
Ah yes, that old fascist trope of gathering in peaceful protest and chanting anti-racist admonitions at a member of the conservative party. https://twitter.com/Harikumar1971US/status/1299386687030607873?s=20
I have horrible news for conservatives trying to appropriate Maya Angelou's words about conservatives, about how conservatives would feel about everything else Maya Angelou believed. https://twitter.com/whitewinery/status/1299387699758075908?s=20
Conservatives are loudly and repeatedly condoning the murder of Black people by police for any and every reason, and spent the last two days making a teenage mass shooter into a folk hero.

That's why there are protests. https://twitter.com/CassieBelle29/status/1299392171301367808?s=20
Ah yes, the civility we've grown to expect.

Direct threats of murder in retaliation for vocal protest.

Nobody who votes for Trump cares about being reasonable and they certainly aren't turned off by targeted harassment.

At most they're just looking for an excuse to do what they always planned to do. https://twitter.com/josephk287/status/1299408066404904961?s=20
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