1/ 57th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Events surrounding the March.

May--Beginning of lunch counter protests at Woolworth's

June--Gov. George Wallace stands at the schoolhouse door of University of Alabama blocking Vivian Malone, James Hood, and Dave McGlathery from registering for classes

June--JFK's Civil Rights Speech

June--Assassination of Medgar Evers

August--March on Washington

September--Bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church killing 4 little girls

November--Malcolm X deliver's "Message to the Grassroots"
Even though now we see the impact of the March on Washington, this timeline is an important reminder that historic periods are a combination separate events that at the time felt like progress and setback.
Now we know all of these events helped to shfit opinion about the movement and broaden the impact of the movement.
Progress only occurs when we continualy lean in and act against discrimination. Even when we are exhausted and dismayed by setbacks, we need to soldier on an keep marching.
We have no idea how the events of today will impact the success of this current movement, but that HOPE and DETERMINATION is antiracism.
When you look back on this Civil Rights Movement. You will ask...”what did I do?”

Do it...do it now. #antiracism
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