About half way through this and it's essential listening if you want to better understand radicalisation from YouTube, the rise of the far right and how pernicious this whole thing is https://twitter.com/worgztheowl/status/1299187639019540480
I occasionally wonder how bad I personally could've gotten if I continued down the path of new atheist videos and the likes of Joe Rogan, Sam Harris and Dave Rubin

Scary how YouTubes algorithm enables that slow creep from atheism to anti-feminism to straight up white nationalism
Relieved to have gotten away from that toxic part of the internet before it had the chance to get way worse

But this story is so common. I know so many people who start watching Dawkins or Hitchens & thanks to how YT reccs work they end up with Stephen Crowder or Sargon of Akkad
Can't overstate how dangerous it is. Gamergate and the grifters and charlatans that emerged from it are dangerous. And they've radicalised countless (primarily) young men slowly but surely towards full white nationalism and toxic misogyny
On an optimistic note as was noted in NYT's Rabbit Hole (which prompted this thread) there's a small but effective counterbalance of content creators directly fighting this vile bullshit. And that's such a relief
A combination of Trump's speech yesterday and the possible effect of quarantine on the amount of watching of this crap going on just means this is all really on my mind rn
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