Up front, because someone I know IRL asked me to clarify this, but I do not identify myself as a Democrat, or liberal, or progressives; because identifying yourself by a group is stupid.

I am, by nature, politically a utilitarian democratic voter. What does that mean?
It means that I'm not stupid to think either party will ever agree to a complete election overhaul in this country. So here we are.
There are things in the Democratic platform I like, but the platform is antiquated and dead wrong on appeal to voters. It feels like they haven't moved on in tactics since the mid 90's.

Their lack of commitment to change and growth and PROGRESS will always turn me off.
But, how about the GOP?

Do you enjoy giving yourself and the country snake venom enemas? The GOP as it's stands right now are the Democratic party before civil rights past. Read our history, they're the Dixiecrats with new branding.

Lincoln would be a Democrat if alive now.
But what about Libertarians? Take the snake venom enema and set it on fire.
Independent? What does that even mean? The vast majority of "Independents" are lying. Lying to who's asking and lying to themselves. They already know who their voting for and who the side with, stop pretending.
But isn't that you? I'ma me.

When I first registered to vote 20 some odd years ago, I purposefully wrote in the affiliation box "Not Applicable."

Because I'm a human and no one dictates what I believe in, but me.
But, you're contributing to a broken system.

There's a whole bunch of us that feel the same way, yet there's no willpower to do anything about it?

But their might be, if one group gets their heads out of their asses and get their shit together for 2022.

And yes, I'm calling you by that, because you suck at branding and naming anything. It blows up in your face. You have this incredible opportunity right now to become a dominant force in this country, but you're hellbent on destroying that chance it seems.
I could go on about this here, but this thread is way too long, and frankly this has got me thinking of writing a long form piece on this.
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