Pocket Network turns one month live on mainnet today.

If you didn’t know, the protocol is coordinating trustless access to a global set of infrastructure for Ethereum applications.

This is fucking crazy.
In the last 3 weeks, 6.8M relays have been processed by 129 Pocket Validators.

The protocol processed over 700k relays in the last 24 hours, with about 60% of these being for Ethereum applications

s/o to @SaturnProtocol and those of you using metamask to access Pocket
700k relays a day costs ~$1,397 USD in a one time, 17,465 POKT stake. Your stake doesn’t get burned and your throughput rate is locked for as long as you’re staked.

The longer an application uses the network, the closer its costs of infrastructure reach zero.
It’s not a 1 to 1 in terms of Ethereum full nodes to validators. If I had to ballpark the number of full nodes is probably around 30% of the validator count

That means that Pocket has helped incentivize around 30 - 40 Ethereum full nodes, most geth but some nethermind clients
These nodes are located all around the world. Most of them in the cloud, but with a truly diverse spread. Nodes are located everywhere in the world from US W to EU to Moscow.

Eventually these nodes will move to data centers to avoid paying rent and save on costs.
You can access Pocket Network in 2 ways: Our gateway and directly with the SDK.

Using the gateway is the easiest way to use the network - we’ll give you a URL for your application and we just pass the requests to the 100+ nodes running on Pocket.
The other way is directly connecting to the network using the SDK. This removes the additional hops from the gateway and allows for more flexibility around configuring redundancy.
Developers can split their POKT stake up into as many sessions as they want to access the network

Each stake split increases the set of nodes and reduces the work per node, further reducing the chance of it being overloaded with traffic
Each session has 5 randomly selected nodes that get rotated out every hour.

This completely removes risk of overloading one single provider by splitting up your requests among hundreds of nodes
This guarantees that your application will *always* receive data.

this 👏 is 👏 fault 👏 tolerant 👏 infrastructure
The magical thing about Pocket is the more it gets used, the better it gets. More relays = more incentives for people to run nodes all around the world.

More nodes will allow the protocol to securely sort by location, bringing even more speed to requests.
Infrastructure setups will get normalized across the protocol as tooling improves.

We’re just at the tip of the iceberg with what the protocol is capable of.
There are definitely challenges unique to Pocket as a decentralized infrastructure protocol

There are SO many improvements and optimizations to be made

but holy shit after designing and building pocket for 3.5 years it’s so exciting to see this in the wild
You can follow @o_rourke.
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