Menstrual Cycles & The Moon Cycles: How the Moon Cycles affect women’s menstrual cycles (A Thread)
The Moon Cycles

New Moon 🌑
Waxing Crescent 🌙
First Quarter Moon 🌓
Waxing Gibbous Moon 🌔
Full Moon 🌕
Waning Gibbous Moon 🌖
Last Quarter Moon 🌗
Waning Crescent Moon 🌘
Women share a very special connection with the moon and her cycles which is also connected through Divine Feminine. We sing with her, we dance, we share with the moon our secrets. The moon knows what we do not reveal to ourselves or others. This connection is sacred.
Whenever women menstruate it’s beneficial for us to pay attention to the moon phase. She will show us where we are in our journey. It’s also helpful to pay attention to what sign the moon is transiting in on the first day of our menstrual cycle —
As painful as some of our cycles may seem with the pms symptoms and mood swings, this is actually our body’s way of delivering messages from our Higher Source in regards to the lessons we are encountering and learning at the moment. Sometimes these can be warnings.

When you are experiencing a headache, its spirit’s way of trying to tell us to pay attention to our thoughts and listen to our inner source. The crown chakra is active and super sensitive during our menstrual days. Find some time to meditate and center your being.
New Moon:

Menstruating under the new moon speaks of a time of setting your intentions and manifesting. You may feel called to meditate, pray, and write. It’s the time to start and begin something new. You may have recently closed a chapter and are looking forward to a new life.
Waxing Crescent:

When you find yourself menstruating under a waxing Moon it’s a clear sign that the manifestations and intentions we have once set for ourselves knowingly or unknowingly are creating a foundation of within our lives. We are a witness to our ideals manifesting.
First Quarter Moon:

Plans are moving forward during this time in your life. After making a decision necessary action is required. A time to stay determined with your ambitions. Your pms symptoms are more than likely to not feel as tense. You may not even feel your cycle at all.
Waxing Gibbous Moon:

If you are menstruating under this moon, whatever does not vibrate or is not a vibrational match will be readjusted. Anything out of our alignment will be realigned and refined. The smallest changes in our life have meaning with definition.
Full Moon:

During this time of our mensuration, we are being called to “Let Go and let God”. We must bring ourselves to release what does not help us align towards our destiny and chosen paths. Symptoms may feel intense and felt a week before or not at all.
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