I think 45 will be reelected. Average white person ain't trying to be an agent of change, they want their country and their lives back. No, they aren't terribly concerned about Covid either. They don't like Trump but he spoke to them last night.
Let's keep it a buck. White folks who are following anti racist Black folks on Twitter, probably aren't rocking with Jane/Joe Six pack, which is a shame, because you might not be reading the room correctly.

You underestimate how powerful whiteness is.
I can't explain how I know this, but these people are willing to sacrifice quite a few of us to continue worshipping at the altar of whiteness.

Trump allows whiteness to retain its powers, even in its imperfection. That's why he has a shot at winning.
The lack of class analysis in the anti racism movement as a whole is not helping us.

Right now, the movement comes off as being filled with angry BIPOC and elitist white folks.

45's people know that and last night, his team crafted a speech designed to highlight it.
The reason you needed to keep talking to your Uncle Rusty the Racist, is so that we could avoid this moment.

But when your anti racism work is about being a white savior, you miss the real work and fail to grow in the work.
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