Somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere & developing world this morning, there is 27 year old brown woman praying her heart out over an open Bible and receiving a fresh immersion in the Spirit so she can walk to several homes in her impoverished town in order to pray for people...
...preach Christ to them, and help new disciples follow Jesus faithfully. She loves Jesus. She loves people. She loves the Scriptures. She believes she’s in a spiritual battle with hell for the souls of those she loves. She’s a fighter. She’s given up everything to do this work.
She won’t stop. She’s not on twitter and only wants followers for Jesus. She’s not concerned about the US election but she is concerned about our idols and prays for us before she goes to sleep exhausted every night. She wont eat much today. She’ll drank water & weak tea.
She’s the future of a rapidly growing Church in our time. She’s’ someone I thank God for today, and I pray that she - and countless more brothers of the same radical intent - will flourish in all the world until every knee bows to Jesus.
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